Meet our specialists

Emma Riley
Healthcare Services Director / Dental Nurse Specialist

Emma has over 25 years’ experience as a dental nurse and oral health educator and has spent the last 17 years working as a dental nurse specialist and oral health educator at the Pennine Acute Hospital Trust in Manchester. The last 7 of these years she worked as the Macmillian Oral Health Practitioner, the only role of its kind in the UK. During this time she has presented both nationally and internationally on the importance of oral health.

Emma continues to support the development of the Macmillan role, working on further training packages for Allied Health professionals on effective deliverance of oral health to compromised patients.

In November 2014 Emma was privileged to be invited to speak in Parliament at the launch of mouth cancer awareness and has since been awarded the outstanding contribution to dental nursing award.

Emma is currently the Educational Director at RIS Healthcare and sits as the Chair of the Society of British Dental Nurses.

Amanda McLaughlin

Senior Training Manager / Dental Nurse Specialist

Amanda has 26 years’ experience as a Dental Nurse Specialist. She is also qualified in Dental Sedation Nursing and holds a qualification in Oral Health Education.

Her wealth of knowledge stems from the 14 years she spent working within Community Dental Services as a Lead Dental Nurse, overseeing student teaching program and assisting in the dental care of adults and children with disabilities and additional needs. She also spent 8 years working within a busy Maxillofacial Unit at the Pennine Acute Hospitals, Amanda was a member of the Head and Neck multi-disciplinary team and gave advice to patients undergoing head and neck surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy on a nurse led clinic. She also worked closely with The Macmillan Oral Health Practitioner based in the unit.

More recently Amanda presented at the National Dental Nursing Conference raising awareness of Oral care in medically compromised patients.

For the last 3 years she has also been the lead for an elderly oral health improvement program for the Rochdale Public Health Department, educating many staff throughout 42 Care/Nursing Homes, multiple hospital wards and variety of specialised teams.

Lesley Redman
Healthcare Manager / Dental Nurse Specialist

Lesley is a registered dental nurse with 26 years’ experience. She is qualified in Dental Radography as well as Oral Health Education and fluoride varnish application. She has worked in general practice for the last 25 years and her main role within the practice included senior dental nurse of a busy NHS dental practice. She produced an oral health display for children which recommended healthy snacks and drinks, and this was used in her nurse led fluoride clinics. Lesley supported patients through their dental treatment and prides herself on good communication. Her passion is to educate and raise awareness around good oral care and she continues to educate herself and stay current in dental issues.

Her role has enabled her to mentor and support many dental nurse cadets over the years and she has also run a nurse led clinic for fluoride application. With her years of experience in general practice she works well as a team member and feels this contributes to communication, understanding and empathy. These skills help her in her everyday work life.

Lesley recently assisted with an oral health awareness day for additional needs in London. She spent time with children and parents to raise awareness of good oral hygiene and was on hand to give advice on oral care and products.

ln her spare time Lesley enjoys walking her dog. spending time with her family and listening to music.